items stolen are cash, firearms, electronics and gold. Don’t wait till you have
been robbed before looking at securing
valuables, personal papers and sensitive documents. And remember, stolen
personal papers such as passports, social security information, insurance
policies etc can lead to your identity being stolen. With a biometric safe from
BARSKA your valuables are locked away securely but at the same time can be quickly
and easily accessed in an emergency. These biometric safes are available in
sizes to meet your particular requirements, ranging in size from the compact
AX11620 gun safe to the larger AX11650 biometric safe. Long rifles can be
secured in the AX11652 four (4) rifle Biometric Rifle Safe.
With burglaries occurring approximately every 15 seconds, property losses from fires in the billions of dollars and over 150 000 gun related deaths and injuries each year isn’t it is time you secured your valuables and guns. Our onsite safe store is dedicated to offering, you, quality safes from US manufacturers. Our fireproof biometric safes for home and for the office and easy access gun safes provide the security solutions demanded by an advanced society. Our biometric safes are definitely a great option when looking for pistol safes.
Our aim is to use our customer service skills and business expertise, developed over 20 years in business, to provide all our customers a best possible online sales experience at YourSafesOnline.com. Take the time to browse our store and remember our motto – BE SAFE BUY A SAFE