Monday 12 March 2012

Gun Safes – Good Reasons for Investing in Gun Safes for Home

Gun Safes – Good Reasons for Investing in Gun Safes for Home

Accidental shootings involving children, the increasing number of reported burglaries and the ever present danger of fire provide the keystone reasons for US households installing fireproof gun safes.

The following statistic provides a strong incentive for installing gun safes. There is over 1,500 accidental firing fatalities a year in the United States with guns the second highest cause of non-natural deaths for children. Surveys reveal 40% of US homes with children have guns and that 50% of homes with guns do not secure firearms in gun safes. Installing gun safes would meet The American Academy of Paediatricians (AAP) recommendations that:

·         guns should be locked up

·         guns should be unloaded

·         Don’t store ammunition with guns

·         Always lock ammunition away separately to the guns

·         Don’t give children safe keys or combinations
45 Gun, Fireproof Gun Safe

Gun safes, preferably fireproof gun safes are the most secure way of protecting children from accidental firing fatalities.

FBI statistics provide another incentive for installing gun safes. There are four (4) burglaries every minute, that’s 250 per hour, 6,100 per day, a huge 2.2 million per year, in the United States. Firearms are at the top of stolen Items. Installing quality gun safes will give you the peace of mind that your guns are secure. Fireproof gun safes give the added benefit that weapons are protected in the event of a fire.
5" Door Thickness

Having fireproof gun safes can’t be emphasized enough when you look at the latest available fire statistics. FEMA reports there were 362,000 residential fires in the US up 106,000 from the previous year. Good fireproof gun safes will have a fire rating from a reputable testing agency. Fireproof gun safes should hold an internal temperature of 350 degrees F for one hour at between 1700 and 1850 degrees F.  Also, look for gun safes offering both fire protection and in the event of fire water protection from the gallons of water used to extinguish the blaze.

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